
October 12, 2024

The black swans of our times

by Teia Brînză

The role of ballet, the stage form the play takes, is not to impress with virtuosity but to transform the literary material into a comedy of manners. The humor of this swan lake, with dancers who don’t rise onto their toes or execute perfect pirouettes, brings to light the human limitations of the characters.

March 22, 2024

Two women driving. Womanhood in social context (1981 to 2023) in Radu Jude’s film ”Don’t expect too much from the end of the world” at IFC and Lincoln Center in NYC

by Cristina Modreanu

A feminist film, as well as an overt critique of the neoliberal society which took over Eastern Europe in very aggressive forms after 1989, ”Don’t expect too much from the end of the world” is a way to fight back using images from the archives, a favorite means of the award-winning Romanian film director Radu Jude.

March 6, 2024

The Ally at the Public Theater in New York: Back to the Agora

by Cristina Modreanu

Of course, there are more questions than answers in this smart and sometimes funny despite the subject production directed by Lila Neuberger, and this is how it should be. The inspired directorial decision to place it in the round space of The Anspacher at the Public Theater, with almost no stage design, except the lights and some chairs, reminds us that theatre is an agora where concepts like democracy can and should be revisited and in-depth analyzed.

September 11, 2023

Watermelon on Ice at New Ohio Theatre

by Cristina Modreanu
This summer I first attended Ice Factory Festival at New Ohio Theatre. I knew about the place as a staple of experimental theatre in NYC, but somehow, I have never been able to attend this summer event. Good thing I finally did, as summer of 2023 will sadly enter downtown theatre history as the one when IFF’s last installment took place.
August 25, 2023

Light: Light

by Bogdan Georgescu
It wasn’t until here, in Iceland, where I realized the overlapping meaning of light/light in English. In the summertime, there’s only light. I’m sharing with you a story of a woman who, while raising thirteen children, found the energy and lightness to write poetry, having the feeling there’s always light in Reykjavik.
March 30, 2023

Pina Bausch lounge or the limits of heritage in live dance: Agua at BAM

by Cristina Modreanu
One contemporary touch is definitely the intentional crack in the usual gender polarization of Pina Bausch dancers. They used to be divided into women with long hair, long slip floral dresses and heels versus men with trousers and short sleeves shirts. This time some of the dancers on stage wearing dresses are non-binary and dancing beyond the limits of normativity.
March 9, 2023

No more Grotowski : one afternoon at La Mama with Richard Schechner and Thomas Richards

by Cristina Modreanu
I hate saying about theatre that it is magical; I usually believe it is more about reason and craft. But it was definitely something magic about these persons singing together in an unknown ancient language, keeping a small distance from one another while looking each other in the eyes, intensely aware of every move this expanded multi-head body made.
November 17, 2022

Mirabilia 2022. The scene as a playground

de Florentina Bratfanof
Circus is all about magic for the people from the streets, the majority of them street passers mostly, not theatre goers. The urban theatre and circus arts attract the common people giving them a chance to be amazed by the power of simple stories and the physical abilities of the performers.
March 8, 2022

”Seven women in search of Mia” or ”Breast cancer trilogy” (A postproduction reflection)

Cătălina Florina Florescu, Ph.D. (Playwright)
I came to realize that Mia was not about breast cancer so much as it was fundamentally about thinking about our bodies, making time to discover them, while raising our concerns as educated citizens.

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