For the 27th time the KulturForumEuropa dedided to award the KulturPreisEuropa. In 2020, the choice of the winner was based on the idea of encounter within and outside Europe, getting to know and understand each other.
“KulturForumEuropa / EuropeCultureForum has decided to award Founder and Artistic Director at Qendra Multimedia Jeton Neziraj, born in Kosovo in 1977 and considered one of the most representative political authors of the new Balkans for his services (and also in the spirit of international diversity) — as cultural ambassador between East and West, overcoming national borders and cultural-historical barriers from and to Europe, and establishing meaningful collaborative connections in Kosovo, Europe and the USA — the 2020 European Award for Cultural Achievement / KulturPreis Europa.
The award ceremony will take place in Pristina on the occasion of the third edition of the Theatre Showcase in Kosovo, October/November ’20.