
This site uses cookies.
Please read carefully the information below.
This website uses own and third parties cookies to provide a better visitor experience and navigation tailored to the needs and interest of each visitor.

What is a cookie?
Cookies are small text files that are sent to your computer when you visit a Web site. Cookies are then sent back to the originating website on each subsequent visit, or to another website that recognizes that cookie. Cookies act as a registration for a website that allows your computer to remember visits to our site. Cookies may also register your preferences, improve user experience, and can filter out visible ads relevant to you.

What are the cookies used on this site?

Performance cookies / analytical
Some cookies on our site collects information about how visitors use our site, such as pages visited most often, error messages that appear on web pages etc. These cookies do not collect information that identifies visitors. All information about these cookies are collected and aggregated and remain confidential. They are only used to improve how our site works.

Our site uses Google Analytics cookies. The information collected by these cookies are transferred and stored by Google on its servers, in accordance with its privacy practices. Google uses information collected to assess how the website is used to achieve the reports on the activity of the site (for its operator) and to provide other services related to work on site and Internet use. The IP address sent to Google Analytics by your browser is not consolidated with other data from Google. You can block the use of files “cookies” using your browser software and also can prevent the recording and processing data on the use of our website by Google based cookies (including your IP address) by downloading and installing plug-in available at the link You can find more information about the terms of use and data protection here:

Essential Cookies
These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of a website. Some sites use a facility for language retention (RO / EN), without which there would be possible to move from one section to another site in that language. This feature is temporary and lasts as long as you are on the site.

Social Networking Plugins
Our services make use of social networking plugins (“Plugins”). When using a service that contains plugins, information can be transferred directly from your device to your social network. We have no influence on the data collected by the Plugin. If you are logged into the social network website, your use of our service can be referenced by your social network account. If you interact with plugins, for example, clicking on “Like”, “Follow” or “Share” or enter a comment, the information may automatically appear in your social networking profile. Even if you are logged in to your social network, your plugins transmits the IP address to the social network operators. Please consider this when using web pages. For information about the operators of social networking sites used in services plugin our (“operators”), please see below:

Operators of plugins used in our services
If you are a member of one or more of the following social networks and do not want the operator to connect the data concerning your use of our services with your membership data already stored by the Operator, please click on Social network before using our services.

Operator Data: Facebook Ireland Limited, Hanover Reach, 5-7 Hanover Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland (“Facebook”). For more information visit Facebook’s privacy policy by accessing:

Operator data: LinkedIn Ireland, Gardner House, Wilton Place, Wilton Plaza, Dublin 2, Ireland (“LinkedIn”). For more information visit to access LinkedIn Privacy Policy.

Tips for safe surfing and responsible, based on cookies.
Currently, cookies are found in almost all sites in order to deliver their particular experiences tailored to specific visitors. Disabling cookies will not allow the user to access all information resources found on a particular website. For this reason, some tips worth considering, as follows:

  • Customize your browser settings regarding cookies to reflect a comfortable level of security using cookies.
  • If you do not mind cookies and you are the only person who is using the computer, you can set long-term expiration storage of browsing history and personal access data.
  • If you share access to your computer with someone else, you can consider your browser setting to delete individual browsing data every time you close your browser. This is an option to access sites that place cookies and delete any information from visitors after browsing session closes.
  • Install and update your anti-spyware software constantly. Many applications of detection and prevention of spyware include detection of attack sites, preventing the browser to access websites that may or exploit browser vulnerabilities to download malicious software.

How do I turn off cookies?
Disabling and denial to accept cookies can make certain websites visited impassable or difficult to use. Also refusing to accept cookies does not mean you will not receive / view online advertising. The browser can be set so that cookies will not be accepted or to be accepted at a particular site.

All modern browsers offer the possibility to change the setting of cookies. These settings typically found in the “Options” menu or “preferences” of your browser ; If you do not see these settings, go to the “help” of the browser.

Below are links for managing cookies when using the following browsers: Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Chrome, Safari and Opera

Cookie settings in Internet Explorer:

Cookie settings in Mozilla:

Cookie settings in Chrome:

Cookie settings in Safari:

Cookie settings in Opera:

You can read more about cookies at:

Pentru a va oferi o experienta de navigare mai buna acest site foloseste cookies.

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